2022 Annual Parish Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held Thursday, 26th May 2022 at 6:30pm in the Parish Rooms

1. Welcome. Cllr Don Wiltshire (DW) as Chair of Covenham Parish Council presided over the meeting and welcomed all those attending.   There were ten parishioners present at the meeting including members of the Parish Council. The Parish Clerk, Mrs Nadine Must took the minutes.
2. To receive the previous minutes held 7th May 2021.  Those who were present at last year’s meeting resolved to accept the minutes as a true record. The Chair duly signed minutes.
3. Report of the Chair of Covenham Parish Council (CPC).  Cllr DW reported that the Council
a. has started meeting in person in the newly refurbished Parish Rooms funded from national government grants and thanked the Parish Clerk for successfully securing funding.
b. He thanked St Mary’s Church Committee for hosting the council meetings while refurbishments were taking place which included a new damp course, a more efficient heating system, a new kitchen with towel dispensers including in the toilets with new toilet seats. A new flagpole has been installed and the whole building repainted.  Further work on the front windows, ceiling tiles and light coverings are planned.
c. New large troughs to be planted with seasonal flowers are also planned for outside the Parish Rooms.
d. The Parish Rooms is now fit for purpose and able to host both social and commercial events.  Enquiries to the Chair or any Parish Councillor are welcome.  Details are also available on the parish council website.
e. The Parish Council has been fortunate in co-opting four new Members.  There are now seven parish councillors but still have four vacancies to fill.
f. The Council has also started publishing a quarterly newsletter.  The second edition will feature a host of activities to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Saturday, 4th June.
g. Grass and hedge cutting at St Mary’s Churchyard continue to be funded.  A £200 grant was also given to St Bartholomew Trust to help pay for a new strimmer.  The Chair thanked the volunteers for maintaining the churchyard.
h. Dog fouling has been an issue despite the ELDC Dog Warden putting up new signs to remind dog walkers of their duty to clean up after their pets.
i. The Council continues to act on highways issues. Cleansing teams had been requested where mud on the road and on pavements had been unsightly.  Repairs to bridges, road signs and other concerns have been actioned including the road marking on Newbridge Lane. The railings on the Poulton Drain Bridge has been repaired and the Council has requested that a lower rail be fitted for extra safety.
j. LCC Highways have agreed to put a Give Way sign close to the Anglian Water substations for traffic exiting Newbridge Lane.  They will also put two Beware of Horses signs at the entrance to the village on the Main Road and at Ings Lane.  Permission for erecting white gates at both entrances have also been assured to use as traffic calming measures.
k. An Archer Survey is now in place at Chapel Close to count the volume of traffic and speed.  The mobile speed signs will continue to be used when the rota allows.
l. The Parish Council finances are regularly monitored and reconciled.  Accounting records are duly noted and properly organised. Due process is followed on budget setting and precept requirement.
m. The Chair thanked the invaluable support of both LCC and ELDC Ward Members to the effective running of the Parish Council including their regular attendance at meetings.
n. Lastly, The Chair thanked all current councillors for their continued dedication and support to strive to make this village a better place to live in.  He also thanked the Parish Clerk for her services.
4. Report from East Lindsey District Council.  Cllr Edward Mossop (Ward Member) reported:
a. he is the Vice-Chair of the Overview Committee which scrutinises performance of the District Council and makes recommendations for improvement in policy.
b. one such recommendation is the roll out of a third bin in the autumn for collecting glass
c. the Overview Committee has monitored the alliance with Boston Borough Council and South Holland Disctrict Council which brings further financial savings in a management team that cuts across all three Councils. The Alliance has been driven by Central Government to push for devolution and the dwindling financial support from the Treasury.
d. He used up the maximum £1,000 community grant to support groups including Covenham Reservoir, the Louth Canal and Covenham Parish Council (CPC) for a new fridge.
e. He has also supported parish councils with funding requests towards the Jubilee Grant and has encouraged CPC to apply as there was still money available.
f. He continues to serve on the Lincolnshire Marsh Drainage Board which ensures that any work affecting the Covenham parishes is undertaken properly and the drains running through the village is maintained. This includes the pumping station near St Mary’s Church which is due for overhaul and upgrade.
g. He continues to represent residents’ views at Planning Committees albeit there are fewer applications that reach Committee decisions.
h. Residents in his ward are welcome to contact him for help and to direct them to the responsible contact at the Council.  
5. Report from Lincolnshire County Council. Cllr Alex Hall (Ward Member) reported that Lincolnshire County Council is keen for a devolution deal that includes North East Lincolnshire Council as a combined mayoral authority rather than unitary as that kind of devolution deal will mean more investment in Lincolnshire and the best possible deal. He also reported about the details of the Louth Active Travel Scheme which is an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order covering Cornmarket, Butcher Lane, Market Place and Mercer Row in Louth. A copy of the letter sent to affected properties would be available to those interested in information about the scheme.  His final point was about the proposed new children’s home in Louth, at the back of the Riverhead Theatre and that this will ensure children will remain close to their local community and existing support networks which should lead to better outcomes for those children. We hope that this planning application will be approved for construction works to begin in late 2022 and the facility to be open by the end of 2023.
6. Report of Covenham Village Volunteers Report by Nicky Gulley Brown (NGB), Chair. The group was formerly known as Covenham Jubilee Committee. They have reviewed their activities and rebranded with a new logo and have gained membership.  The group has organised Jubilee celebrations at St Mary’s Churchyard, refreshments in the Parish Rooms and live music from B1200s at St Barts Churchyard.  They have resumed the monthly coffee morning in the Parish Rooms every third Friday of the month for £1 entrance fee. There will be a raffle in aid of Ukraine and proceeds from the quarterly raffle will be given to nominated charities.  Race nights and movie/cinema functions are also being planned.  NGB would welcome new volunteers to join the group.
7. Report of Eleemosynary Charity report by Don Wiltshire, Trustee. The charity continues to support disadvantaged residents of Covenham.  Applications are open to those in financial hardship. As part of the Jubilee Celebrations, the charity is hosting a free lunch for 90 people who have booked in advance.  They will continue to arrange events throughout the year.
8. Annual report of St Bart’s Heritage Trust Report by Mr Ian Fazakerley. A group of volunteers continue to maintain the Churchyard with weeding, clearing of ivy and brambles, grass cutting, hedge trimming, path clearance and tree planting which helped display the snowdrops and primroses and encourage more wildflowers.  They would very much welcome more volunteers and scheduled working events are put on their Facebook page.
In March 2022, a third temporary roof was installed by a group of roofing volunteers using more suitable plastic sheeting over donated lorry curtains to give extra protection which hopefully will prove more successful.
As part of Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee celebrations, a pop-up bar serving local hand pulled ales will be available, while the B12Hundreds will play live music in the churchyard. 
An Open Day in July is planned with demonstrations by various trades.  Due to Covid restrictions the trust was previously unable to celebrate the new roof on the south transept. This event will be an opportunity to explain the work, techniques used with demonstrations and chances to learn how to make a roof slate, how to mix hot lime mortar and other skills.
9. Annual report of St Mary’s Church Report by Anne McCready Churchwarden & DCC Secretary. Monthly services of Holy Communion/Morning Prayer have continued concluding with coffee and biscuits, giving time to catch up and chat.  Electoral Roll increased by three members and Church had two Baptisms.  Kitchen completed and operational since November and funded entirely through grants. 
Some of the annual events were held including a Harvest Celebration, but unfortunately not Harvest Supper, a Remembrance Sunday Service, a Christmas Fair and a Carol Service followed by refreshments where the numbers were up on last year.  The Church also took part in the Lincolnshire Wolds & Coast Festival and had a successful weekend.
All planned events for the rest of the year will hopefully take place.  An Astronomy evening, an Egg Decorating competition and a very successful Marmalade evening have already been held. 
There are currently two groups regularly using the Church. The Phoenix Singers rehearse weekly and the monthly lunches on the first Wednesday of each month except in June due to the Jubilee celebrations.  Parish Council meetings were held in the Church on three occasions over the Autumn/Winter when renovation works on the Parish Rooms were being done.
The Church has contributed to the appeal for Ukraine by donating the March service collection and the monies from a Prayer vigil to DEC.
10. Information on ultrafast broadband.  Gareth Smith informed the meeting attendees of InternetTY a company that provides hyperfast broadband delivered via fibre optic cables straight to each property. The company has already installed services in North Thoresby and Marshchapel.  They would be willing to come and do a presentation of their services if 30% of residents want to avail of the hyper-fast speed which has become a necessity for those working at home and using several devices requiring fast connection speeds.  It was also noted that if there were enough residents using the service, the Parish Rooms will get free hyper-fast access as a reward.
11. Open Forum. There was further discussion on the ultrafast broadband and it was agreed that the parish council will contact the company and host the presentation in the Parish Rooms.  Details of the offer will also be published in the parish council newsletter.
The meeting closed at 7:15pm.